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Expert Witness Testimony at the Toronto Local Appeal Board

Long Branch Neighbourhood Context Map (Source: R. E. Millward + Associates)
TLab Sites
TLab Sites

R.E. Millward + Associates Ltd. has participated in various Toronto Local Appeal Board (TLAB) hearings. The firm has represented the City of Toronto in appealing Committee of Adjustment decisions to approve the severance of minor variances application in the Long Branch neighbourhoods. The primary focus of the TLAB hearings revolve around preserving the Official Plan’s policies around areas designated “Neighbourhoods” and neighbourhood character, as some of the proposed dwellings are not in keeping with the neighbourhood character and do not comply with the provisions established in the applicable zoning by-law(s).

R.E. Millward + Associates Ltd. is currently involved with four TLAB hearings in the Long Branch neighbourhood, including 80 Thirty Ninth Street, 38 Thirty First Street, 99 Twenty Seventh Street, and 27 Thirty Ninth Street.

Our firm conducts site and neighbourhood analysis to develop an expert witness statement and associated exhibits, and deliver expert witness testimony at the TLAB.


Fabian Papa + Partners
N. Barry Lyon Consulting
Swerhun Facilitation


City of Toronto Legal Services Division


Testimony and Expert Witness Statements, Municipal Planning Services


2018 – 2019

