Howard Park Avenue Mid-rise Redevelopment
Beginning in 2011, R.E. Millward + Associates was retained by Triumph Developments to prepare a planning rationale and manage the approvals process for the lands located at 24, 28, 30, 33, 60 and 66 Howard Park Avenue in the City of Toronto. R.E.Millward+ Associates coordinated the development team and provided documentation for the completion of rezoning and Site Plan Approval processes. The proposed redevelopment is an opportunity to rejuvenate a tired auto oriented commercial strip with a landmark mid-rise residential building, incorporating innovative and progressive design elements.
Designed by RAW Architects, the proposed 9-storey building with 175 residential units will be two related structures separated by a landscaped courtyard. Together, the buildings create a consistent five storey street wall with higher building elements stepping back and away from the adjacent property lines to minimize overlook and shadow impacts. The building incorporates a series of green roof and residential balcony elements giving the upper floors a heavily greened and variegated façade unlike any existing building anywhere in Toronto. The building is designed to conform to the relevant tenets of the City of Toronto mid-rise guidelines. The development was completed in 2018.
RAW Architects
Triumph Developments Inc.
Planning Rationale Report, Site Plan Control Approvals, Consultant Coordination
2011 – 2015