Newmarket Urban Centres Zoning By-law 2019-06
R.E. Millward + Associates Ltd. was retained to develop an area-specific zoning by-law applicable to the Yonge Street & Davis Drive Urban Centres that is intended to implement the vision of compact, complete, integrated mixed use development established in the Town of Newmarket’s Urban Centres Secondary Plan.
Working with Gladki Planning Associates and Freedman Urban Solutions, the team determined the best approach for implementing the Plan that would support the vision and encourage development in a timely manner, exploring best practices through consultation with Town officials, staff and landowners. One of the major objectives of the new zoning by-law was to make it more graphically oriented than most other zoning by-laws. The Urban Centres Zoning By-law provides precise development standards and efficiently facilitates applications for development and re-development within these areas. The new Zoning By-law includes provisions on specific items like building heights, setbacks, placement, parking requirements, facility design, and frontage articulation in a way that is simpler and more understandable than previous zoning standards.
The Urban Centres Zoning By-Law was approved by Town Council in September 2018 and approved by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) in June 2019.
Gladki Planning Associates
Freedman Urban Solutions
Town of Newmarket
Lead Project Advisor, Comprehensive Zoning Study, Public Consultation, Facilitation, Consultant Coordination, Strategic Advice
May 2016 – September 2018