Planning for Vibrant, Sustainable Cultural Spaces
Acting on behalf of the City of Toronto’s Cultural Services Division, R.E. Millward + Associates provided a policy advisory role to Project Lead Lord Cultural Resources for a series of public consultations regarding the use of Section 37 of the Planning Act in the development and enhancement of cultural spaces. In addition, R.E. Millward + Associates produced a report for the City entitled “Securing Cultural Benefits: Approaches to the Use of Section 37 for Arts and Culture Facilities”. This report includes research on arts and culture-related precedents in Toronto and other Ontario, Canadian and international jurisdictions, and sets out recommendations for how Cultural Services Staff may better utilize Section 37 through the development approvals process. Our role further included participation in regular City Steering Committee discussions, and the provision of materials for, and presentations at, several of the public consultations outlining the current strengths and limitations of the Section 37 tool in the 20 City Wards selected for the project.
Both our report and the public consultations are important steps in making Section 37 a more effective tool for creating and sustaining of cultural spaces in the Toronto. The report was submitted to City Staff in March of 2013 and is awaiting presentation to Council.
Lord Cultural Services
City of Toronto, Cultural Services
Community Services and Facilities Study, Consultation and